book summary of “ The Magic of Thinking Big ” by David Schwartz

i-dev Software Group
11 min readJan 3, 2022


3 January 2022

Summary of “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz

Book Summary

This book shows us that if you believe you can achieve your goals, others will begin to support and believe in you. Everyone has goals throughout their lives. From small tasks such as cleaning the garage before the end of the week to crucial successes, such as saving $20,000 over ten years. You may be worried when you are ready to work towards your goals. How do I start? The best way to overcome this scary question is to start with self-confidence. That is, create a mindset that feels like you are 100% capable of doing whatever you have in mind. This is possible because as soon as you truly believe that you are capable of accomplishing anything, the mind releases the creative force, that is, the mental focus needed to find ways to accomplish your goals. The more you believe in yourself, the more creative energy is released. This means that even the most difficult goals, such as being the vice president of your company, are possible, provided that your level of belief matches the difficulty of the task. Self-confidence also has other great advantages: Others will begin to believe you. This is what the Mackenzie Foundation found in a review of management research. They interview professionals, government, scientific and religious leaders to find out who they prefer to work with and what is the most desirable trait for them as a volunteer? The first absolute desire is a trait that depends on the degree of self-confidence of individuals. This desire or belief is what social leaders associate with success. This is what keeps people motivated, no matter what obstacles they face. This is a great feature of volunteering because it means never giving up. In fact, believing that you can succeed will increase your mental capacity to help you do it, and by instilling your self-confidence in others, you will build a support system like a by-product. Instead of memorizing information, do what successful people do and develop your creative thinking skills.

You are probably familiar with the term “knowledge is power“, which means that the more we know, the more we can do. This quote could not distinguish between two types of knowledge:

Remembering information and creative thinking.

By memorizing information, you learn small pieces of information and store them in your brain for later reference. However, a lot of this preserved information has the same consequences as the old boxes in the garage: you only go to them when you need the contents. Creative thinking, on the other hand, focuses on finding innovative solutions. This means creating new and desirable ways to deal with any kind of artistic problem or challenge. While memorizing information is important in turn, creative thinking enables us to overcome any obstacle quickly and efficiently. Memorizing information makes our brain inflexible; Creative thinking makes our brains adaptable and flexible. This means that successful people always focus on developing their creative thinking, rather than just memorizing information.

With these three steps you can boost your creative thinking, embrace new ideas, take every opportunity you can to experience new things, and take ten minutes each morning to ask, “How can I do a better job today? “ One way you can help improve these three measures is to diversify your lifestyle. For example, make sure you spend time with people who support you and at the same time openly challenge your beliefs and ideas. Or join a social group in an environment outside of your job and profession. For example, if you are a car salesman, joining a graphic design club outside of your own field can be fun. This leads to new skills and no one knows, maybe you will finally be able to design advertising for your company.

Eliminate all negative thoughts every day with positive thinking and action

Eliminate all negative thoughts every day with positive thinking and action

In today’s society, negativity is everywhere, from crimes news to propaganda trying to make us feel obese or ugly. Yet, it is not only the media that is negative. Many times, even those closest to us keep repeating the absurd saying: “You cannot do this, so do not try”. For example, your best friends may criticize your dream of becoming president. As time goes on, we get used to negative thinking because it seems natural. Our negative thoughts act like mental monsters: the more we let them enter our souls, the stronger they become, until they completely suppress positive thinking. The reality is that negative thinking is not normal or healthy. In fact, it is one of the things that keep people from succeeding.

That is why people who say, “This is impossible” are usually unsuccessful or ordinary. So in order to achieve your dreams, you definitely need to get rid of this negativity. To do this, start thinking positively and acting positively every day. This will help you not to leave space in the mind to rot the negativity and eliminate it. The best way to do this is to write a motivational speech that sounds like a commercial advertisement: a “sell yourself” ad that reminds you of the best qualities that set you apart from everyone else. Read this “commercial” aloud at least once a day and several times a day in private.

You will soon believe in yourself to the extent that the negativity of the outside world will stay away from you like rain on an umbrella. For example, if you are a teacher and you think you are making your students laugh, remember that this is what sets you apart from other teachers. By recognizing this distinguishing feature, you will highlight yourself as an influential member of the teaching staff, which will give you the confidence and courage to present your best every day.

Your success depends on the support of others, so treat everyone with respect

Have you ever cooperated to be mistreated for no reason? Obviously your first reaction is to label him angry or even crazy. What you do not see, though, is that they are just like you, and they just happened to react to you because they were influenced by something else in their lives. Now that you know this, you should always treat them the way you want to be treated: like an important person. If you treat someone you know and treat like an important person, you will find that they will stop abusing you and think and treat you the same way, which means that when you are trying to get promoted, these people are more likely to They are by your side. Then, you will find that their support is crucial to your success. Why? Because it is rare for a person to “alone” to a higher level of career or success without help.

In general, you get a “promotion” with your subordinates, instantly those around you. So it is no surprise that successful people are bound by good communication with those around them. Former US President Lyndon Johnson, for example, used his ten-point formula for success, such as creating exercises to remember everyone’s names and congratulating an acquaintance who was undoubtedly successful. So at the end of the day, remember that no one has ever succeeded alone. For this reason, you should treat other people in any way that this person can either help or harm your profession.

Make sure your surroundings are of the highest quality, from the friends you have to the advice you receive

You are probably familiar with the phrase “you are what you eat”, which means that to have a healthy body, you must follow a healthy diet. The same is true of your mindset: Your thinking is influenced by what you see and hear. Living space, friends, what you read, all of these act as “mind food” and are tools to influence your thought processes. For example, prolonged contact with gossipers is more likely to lead to gossip. Conversely, long-term relationships with people who only speak positively of others do the same to you. Make no mistake about it, the company you work for has hurt you. Therefore, to succeed, do what successful people do:

Create a quality environment for yourself. To do this, make sure that your home, study area, work environment, social circle, and leisure time are all of the highest quality, that is, they encourage you to grow as a person. One possible way is to fill your environment with successful people and study about them. When you have a question or a piece of advice, be sure to ask only successful people and those in the position you want to get in life.

However, the highest quality professionals will always give you the highest quality advice. Also, make sure that you have the best friends around you, who not only have their own ambitions but also believe in your ambitions and believe that you have the ability to reach them. Having such a support system keeps you motivated along the path to success, which is sometimes daunting. Lastly, if you want to succeed and make your dreams come true, make sure you live in an environment that supports those goals.

Look at your behaviors; they speak for you even your mouth closed

Sometimes when you talk to a particular friend or audience, you notice that they feel upset or sad, even if they do not want to say anything about it. Since our behavior and outlook on life is always obvious to others. How do we know this so well? Because our evolutionary ancestors had no language for millions of years. Communication required understanding of body and face, not words and sentences. We can read behaviors as this ability has helped our ancestors survive in the past. Behaviors are a mirror of the mind. People always choose from them, the person who has a bad attitude will receive a different reaction than a person with a positive attitude. Therefore, if you want to get the best results in dealing with others, you need to choose a behavior that is full of positivity.

One way to maintain a positive attitude is to do what you believe is morally right. People feel guilty when they do something they do not feel good about, and it destroys trust, such as lying to their particular audience or taking something from a friend without asking. These negatives always show in their bad behavior. On the other hand, being happy and comfortable with your decisions builds more confidence, and as a result, your good morals are sustained. In a completely different situation, another way to create a positive attitude is to be your best self. When you dress well, you feel important and make others think you are important. Always try to be that way, even on lavish occasions. Most importantly, nothing gives you a positive attitude like believing that what you do in life is important and valuable. Naturally, it will be an endless source of self-confidence, giving you little reason to never doubt yourself.

Destroy fear, the number one enemy of success, by boosting self-confidence

It is often said that “fear is only in your mind” to help people who are hesitant to enter into uncertain situations and want to overcome it. Whether fear is self-made or reasonable, the truth is that there is fear; therefore, it can be your number one enemy in preventing you from succeeding in what you want to do. A common fear is the Social anxiety disorder. It is rooted in the fact that you forget that others are just like you. There is no “superhero”, everyone is the same. However, this fear, if left unchecked, can have a devastating effect on your success. No matter what kind of fear you face, you need to know that the antidote to all fears is one thing: self-confidence.

Think of self-confidence as an immune system that protects you from fear. The stronger your self-confidence, the less likely you are to be eroded by fear. Just as our immune system needs proper nutrition to function, so does our self-confidence need support to ensure that it is as strong and effective as possible? What is the best way to build self-confidence? Start with confidence, even if you do not feel it. It will be difficult to maintain this feeling at first, but it becomes normal over time. In to control your emotions, you can behave the way you want to feel. Try sitting in the front row of classes or lectures, making more eye contact with others, and walking 25 percent faster than usual. Because of these things, you become distinct in the community, it builds self-confidence and will cause you to interact more with others and thus strengthen your self-awareness. Just keep in mind that no one is born with confidence. At the end of the day, even the most confident people should work on their self-confidence.

The losers like to make excuses for their failures, while successful people are eager to find a way to compensate

Everyone has their own unique characteristic that they want to use the old phrase “there are two kinds of people in the world”. The two models of people that we can all generally identify with are failed and successful people, those who cannot realize their talents, and those who have succeeded in their job or lifestyle. What is it that keeps successful people from falling into the category of “failure”? Their ability is to regenerate themselves after fractures. When failed people look for excuses for their failure, successful people get up again and look for a way to try again. At the end of the day, all successful people face the same oppositions, frustrations, failures, and bad luck as failures, but the way they choose to manage problems makes them the leader of others.

Reach your goal in two steps: Make a plan and as you progress, check for any breaks or mistakes you encounter along the way

If you are someone who knows what you want to do in life, it has probably been very exciting for you to reach that diagnosis. On the road to success, this is the easiest part. Goals can be easily produced but without action they are useless. And before you go, you need to come up with a plan that will make achieving your goal a reality. A success plan should describe the steps you need to take, how to take the steps, and exactly when you expect to get results. Build your program according to the behavior and ways of successful people. Look at your heroes and ask yourself, “How did they do it?” Of course, so far, even with the most precise plans, nothing has gone 100 percent as expected. When you encounter obstacles or delays, you learn how to use these interruptions as opportunities to increase your chances of avoiding them in the future.



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