The Summary of 15 Books on Wealth and Success
The Summary of 15 Books A Summary of the book
How Do the Best Success Books Help Us? Are they worth reading at all, or have they simply become a source of income for their authors? From the beginning of man’s existence, he wants to achieve more perfection and success with every passing moment. Even walking and talking are his primary goals for perfection. As we get older, we want our success to be wider and to be an influential person in society. That’s why we turn to books and tutorials written by successful people so that we can grow faster and faster by continuing to follow their path. Today, one of the most helpful resources in this regard, in addition to talking to successful people, is reading the best books on success and wealth. we are here to show you A summary of the book in this The Summary of 15 Books on Wealth and Success .
Benefits of reading books about success and wealth
If you look closely, the number of books written on success and wealth, motivation, business, etc. has grown exponentially in recent years. The reason for this is the tendency of different societies to these issues; but what are the benefits of using these books? If you read a success book, you will realize that in addition to the strategies it offers you to progress in life, it also has a huge impact on your mind in terms of motivation. Together, these two will give you more mental strength to get started. As a result, people become more eager to read other books in this field and gain more and more information. The same factor multiplies their success rate. These books are mostly collected from the experiences of successful people in life and have very rich resources. So if you want to have a unique pattern, it is better to include reading such books in your daily routine.
A list of the best books on success and wealth you should read
Success books have been published by great authors around the world. These books are translated into different languages. Although the variety of books on success and wealth is enormous; But the number of well-known authors is limited. Nevertheless, these authors have left a rich legacy. In this article, we try to introduce some of the best books in this field.
Ask And It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
One of the purest books on success and the law of attraction can be found in Esther and Jerry Hicks’ Ask and It Is Given. Esther and her husband Jerry co-authored the book. The couple work in the field of law of attraction and due to their vast and deep experience in this field, they were able to include the publication of the best books in this field in a short period of time, such as Sarah, Abraham’s Teachings, Winners’ Game, etc. Given that the book you want to be given has a simple and meaningful content and meaning, it is suitable for all age groups.
Summary of the “Ask And It Is Given”
Ask a Book to be given to you is one of the best success books that has some very interesting points about the law of attraction and vibration. 22 efficient and fruitful points have been collected in this book so that the audience can achieve their material and spiritual desires with their help. With the advent of the law of attraction, many questions arose in the minds of the readers of these books, many of which were answered by Esther and Jerry Hicks in this prolific book. It can also be said that this book is the best resource for those who want to learn the law of attraction better. In this book, the emotions and vibrations resulting from a person’s thoughts are thoroughly examined in order to perform the steps of absorbing desires more accurately. By reading this book, you can have extraordinary attractions in any field such as health, wealth, peace, etc.
“Peaks And Valleys” by Spencer Johnson
This book is written as a story and analyzes the life of a man who wants to get rid of living in a valley. However, in this story, reaching the summit and solving problems in the valley are used as symbols; yet in essence, the peak indicates success and the valley of problems. In this book, the author has been able to explain these two issues well. The story of the book is as follows: The old man with the experience of living on the peak, as a young man’s guide, gives him directions and helps him reach the peak and have a positive and effective view in the valley, the man’s life and to arrange.
“Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
“Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
Those who do not want to miss out on financial opportunities and do well in the business world, such as investing in the stock market, should read the books on getting rich and their strategies. However, some tasks, such as investing in the stock market, need to be regulated by economic analysis. So it is better to know that the mentality of the individual and having a rich mindset is also very effective in the success of this group. All great change begins in the mind. Think & Grow Rich is a book by Napoleon Hill. Napoleon Hill’s other books, such as The Law of Success, How to Increase Your Income and Key Tips for Wealth are well-known around the globe. After reading this book, you can work much better in the financial field, especially in the stock market. In addition to this book, you can also get help from the articles of the Capital House website.
Summary of the “Think & Grow Rich”
In this book, the author’s 20-year research on the lives of the rich is summarized and he has discovered 16 rules of success. In this book, 13 steps to achieve dreams are examined, which include such things as: passion, faith, suggestion, expertise, illustration, planning, decision, perseverance, superior mind power, secret of sexual desire, subconscious mind, brain and sixth sense. This book has been able to make many changes in the lives of people seeking success.
“Secret to Attracting Money” by Dr. Joe Vitale
“Secret to Attracting Money” by Dr. Joe Vitale
Another bestseller of Joe Vitali is the “Secret to Attracting Money”. Joe Vitale has written several books on business success that are rich sources of success. Books such as Conant Nightingale, Shocking Marketing Power, Spiritual Marketing, Dreamy Writing, etc. are some of the most valuable books in the field of business.
A summary of the book Secret Attracting Money
Some people think that the secret to getting rich is a lot of effort; but you may not get rich with a lot of effort. A person’s thoughts and actions can help him become rich. One of the most destructive thoughts in this field is having negative thoughts about forgiveness. Those who like to experience a prosperous life should pay attention to the fact that they do not always have to have a lot of wealth to be generous. If we give to others the small things we have, the gates of wealth will definitely open for us and more success and wealth will flow to us. This topic has been discussed in the book, and the author has given some examples in order to better understand its meaning.
“The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy
“The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy
One of the best books you can start reading at any age and improve the rest of your life is Darren Hardy. The study of this book has also been recommended by great professors such as Anthony Robbins and Brian Tracy, and this shows the importance of the contents of the book for success. Darren Hardy has written other books that will not be repeated like this year, He has written Wealthy Madmen, Decisive Decisions, The Best Year of Your Life, and so on.
A summary of the book
In this book, the extraordinary effects that small habits have on your life are well illustrated. In this book, Darren Hardy tells you that normal behaviors that may take up a few minutes of your time each day will eventually have a compounding effect that will allow you to grow faster. You may not spend much energy on this; but it can certainly have a profound effect on your life. This book is especially suitable for those who think they need to make big changes in their lives. By reading this book, people can understand that even small changes in lifestyle can make a lot of progress in their lives over time.
“The Wisdom Of Florence Scovel Shinn” by Scovel Shinn
“The Wisdom Of Florence Scovel Shinn” by Scovel Shinn
Florence Scovel Shinn is one of the authors who has written many famous books on lifestyle. The book of four complete books by Florence Scovel Shinn is essentially a summary of four of his famous books brought together in one book. Books such as The Game of Life and its Way, a Secret Way to Victory, Your Speech in Your Magic Stick, etc. are some of the best books of success of this famous author.
“The Power Is Within You” by Louise Hay
“The Power Is Within You” by Louise Hay
The power that lies within each person is enormous and influential; But few have been able to fully understand it. In The Power Is Within You, Louise Hay. Hee explores a number of mysteries and powers within each human being. Louise Hay has written many books. His works such as “Love yourself”, “Thoughts of the heart”, “Gratitude, a way of life”, “Life, a reflection of your journey” are some of his books that have been translated into various language.
A summary of the book
This book answers questions like who you are, what you think about life, what you live for, and so on. Louise Hay says you have power within you that leads to happiness, good relationships, and jobs and high incomes; just discover them. Tips are included in the various chapters of the book, which include such things as following the inner voice, responsibility, the power of words, expressing emotions, moving beyond pain, and so on. By applying these strategies, you can see the change in your life and achieve many successes.
“Unlimited Power” by Anthony Robbins
“Unlimited Power” by Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is one of the people known as the myth of progress and success in the new age. What makes him famous is his extraordinary growth in a short period of time and the use of mental techniques and high perseverance. The Unlimited Power in 20 Days is one of the best-selling books of this author, which has been translated into a diverse range of languages. Fans of this book have led a generation of modernists to reprint the book 30 times. Books such as Power Within 1, 2 and 3 are some of the bestsellers of this great author.
A summary of the book
As the name implies, there are detailed plans and interesting exercises for 20 consecutive days that you should follow. Introduction The book begins with key factors for success, including topics such as goal setting, starting, and reviewing results. In the book Unlimited Power in 20 Days, issues such as examining fractures, changes made, levers of suffering and pleasure, controlling forces, etc. are examined and exercises are given to the individual in these cases. One has to make changes in oneself in order to achieve what one wants. These changes are done with techniques such as conditioning, believing, and so on.
“Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson
“Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson
If you want to read one of the best success books for all ages, especially kids and teens, go to Who Moved My Cheese? This beautiful and full of content book has very instructive points that are presented to the audience in the form of a story and it is so easily placed in the mind that you will never forget it. This book, written by Spencer Johnson, shows amazing ways to deal with changes in human work.
A summary of the book
In this book, the story of two mice who are friends is written. Both mice have a storehouse of cheese that they can use, however the procedure for each is different. One of the mice decides to find another cheese before it runs out of cheese, and pursues its goals in nested corridors. This book explains that before disrupting living and business conditions, it is better to find another way not to be surprised by the situation at once. This method will make you live more calmly and your feelings of fear and apprehension will be much less when problems attack you.
“Zero Limits” by Joe Vitale
“Zero Limits” by Joe Vitale
Various books on success and the law of attraction have been published; But Zero Limits is actually a book that goes beyond such books. This book can be considered one of the best books of success. Its author, Joe Vitale, is one of the famous writers who has also played a role in the movie Secret. This author has written many books such as Every Minute, Customer Attraction, Zero Presence, and so on
A summary of the book
Zero Limits is a book that reveals the secrets of the Hawaiians and their ancient traditions. This book states that the memories and issues of life remain in the human subconscious, and thus their repetition constantly causes repetitive problems to enter the human path. By clearing these memories, which means inner purification, the divinity within each person shows him the best way in life, and this causes them to be able to prevent the replay of memories and the occurrence of problems again. The book Zero Attendance is a complement to this prolific book, which is recommended that you do not forget to read it after reading the zero limits.
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki
The great men of success and wealth believe that a person’s attitude towards wealth and business can have a great effect on improving his financial situation. Robert T. Kiyosaki, one of the greats of business and success, has done research in this field. He wrote this book about the two attitudes towards work and money. Rich Dad Poor Dad is his most famous book.
A summary of the book
In this book, two rich and poor fathers are compared. The two have acted differently in terms of college education, tuition and living expenses, and more. Interestingly, in this book you will find that the thinking of a poor father is more in harmony with a wide range of people in society. By reading this book, you will understand why the rich are getting richer day by day and the poor are getting poorer. All of these issues have to do with their attitudes and approaches to life issues. Financial literacy education by a wealthy father is a basic need. The rich father believes that the rich do not work for money; yet the poor father sees working without money as a necessity for living. All in all, reading this book will help you to correct your attitude towards business and money, if necessary, and to attract more money to you.
Sara Book1 “by Esther and Jerry Hicks”
Sara Book1 “by Esther and Jerry Hicks”
Teaching in the form of a story has always been more effective. Sarah’s book is also a novel. This book has a suitable writing style not only for adults but also for children and teenagers. Esther Hicks and her husband Jerry were among the first law enforcement educators. Esther Hicks is associated with an imaginary creature named Abraham, who is the result of her inspirations. Many of the laws of attraction are inspired by Esther in this way. Esther Hicks also has books like Ask You to Be Given.
A summary of the book
This collection is written in three volumes in simple and attractive language. Sarah is the name of a little girl who is related to an owl named Solomon. The issues between Sarah, the world around her and Solomon make the teachings of the law of attraction quite tangible and simple to Sarah. The questions that Sarah faces in her daily life may be the questions of those who seek the points of this law. Answering these questions in Sarah’s book removes ambiguities about the law of attraction.
“Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser
“Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser
The American author, Henriette Anne Klauser, mentions that writing goals and aspirations is a principle. Klauser has prolific works such as “Bring Your Heart to Paper” and “Write Your Brain on Both Sides” are among his best-selling books.
A summary of the book
In the book “Write It Down Make It Happen”, the author states that writing goals indicates that you know exactly what you want. The more you know the details of your dreams and goals, the easier it will be to achieve them. When you start writing, your emotions are focused on your desires. This will increase the power of your attraction. Planning to achieve goals will also be more accurate. In this book, Klauser states, celebrities have written their dreams, and perhaps years later, when they achieved them, they realized the power of writing.
“The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
When you start reading the book, you understand the energy of its parts well. A book that teaches you how to let go of the past and the future and enjoy your real estate, the present. In this book, Eckhart Tolle examines presence in the present moment. This German-Canadian author is a spiritual teacher. His books such as “New Earth” and “Silence Speaks” also have many fans around the world.
A summary of the book
In this book, you are shown the power of the present and the effect that the presence of the moment has on life. The puppy in power now gives examples that show that all the incapacities of the mind cause you to lag behind in your progress in life. These disabilities come from memories of the past or fear of the future. So being in the present connects you to an unlimited resource. When you are fully present, you will have tremendous power and deep peace.
“Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy
The choice of the name of this book has made hearing it once and for all keep it in your mind forever; But “Eat That Frog” is a symbol of our hard work and is disgusting. The book is written by Brian Tracy, a world-renowned professor of success and management. He has books such as “Power of Expression”, “Time Management”, “Sales Psychology”, etc. in his list of best-selling books.
A summary of the book
If you are a planner, you know what to do almost every day. Brian Tracy points out that among your daily tasks, choose something that is harder for you to do. These kinds of things usually involve the mind more and are like a burden on us. So doing them faster will give us more peace of mind. So we do better and have a freer mind to handle other things.